We had the annual Debate this morning and the theme of discussion was 'Lokpal bill is the solution to Corruption in India'. Somehow, as in the last four years, the team 'against the motion' won the debate with just 10 points more than their worthy opponents (the total being 277). The debate was moderated by Fr Joseph Anithottam the Parish Priest of Kondadaba. Srs Prasanna and Abilasha, our immediate neighbours, were among the judges for the debate. Fr C. Thomas, the present spiritual director and Fr Devadas, our former spiritual director too were present as judges for the occasion.

The eight speakers did their best in presenting their arguments which were well supported and interspersed by the informative videos and presentations prepared by Fr Wilson, the Principal. Thanks to his zealous efforts, the debate had a particular quality of its own. The floor discussion which followed the talks was vibrant with each group trying to get the better of the other. Of course, given the nature of the theme, Anna Hazare was the focus of the whole discussion. Finally not going by the numerical result of the debate, the fact that corruption needs to be uprooted was the unanimous voice.
The speakers for the motion highlighted the following issues: Lokpal being an effective

and transparent tool in modern administration, an additional help for the wearied middle class man, the advantages of speedy justice and accountability that Lokpal promises and so on. Those arguing against the motion pushed forward their arguments to prove that through Lokpal bill, Anna Hazare and his team, are trying to form a parallel government or an unconstitutional body, that the hidden agenda behind this so-called 'second freedom struggle' is to topple the government, that what is needed is not a new body but a reformation within existing structures...

Thanks to Fr Wilson and the Rainbow group which organised and prepared for this annual feature of the Seminary.
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