On the solemnity of the feast of John Mary Vianney (August 4, 2010) the community organized a whole day’s programme involving the neighbouring Parish Priest, Confessors, well-wishers and the community members. The celebrations for the day began with the Holy Mass at 10 am. It was presided over by Fr Sagili Devadas, the Spiritual Director of the community.

In the evening there were special games organized by the Youth Alive group members and at 6 pm there was a felicitation programme especially for the Priests who assist the community in its smooth functioning. Fr Prasad, the Parish Priest of a neighbouring Parish (Mangalapalem) was the chief guest of the occasion.

There were another 5 Priests present for the evening. A short skit drawing inspiration from the life of St Vianney and linking the present context of Priestly life was staged by the third course students.
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