The Provincial of the OCD Fathers and Brothers, of the Andhra Province, Fr Gorantla Johannes OCD paid the seminary a visit and joined the community for lunch. He had come on an official visit to the OCD community at Pendurthi (comprising of the Bl. John Paul II Seminary which hosts the students of Philosophy and the Parish dedicated to St Theresa of Avila). Yesterday was the Parish feast and after the celebrations, he visited the Philosophate where the 8 OCD Brothers are day scholars. He was accompanied by Fr Kishore OCD, the parish Priest of Ranasthalam (Srikakulam Diocese) and Fr Showry, the superior and Parish Priest of Pendurthi.

Fr Kishore OCD and Fr Johannes OCD (Provincial]
Incidentally this is the decennial year of Fr Johannes' Priestly ordination. The Community congratulated him on his maiden visit to the Community as Provincial and on the occasion of his decennial year of ordination too. Prior to lunch, Fr Johannes encouraged the students to study well and make themselves worthy Priests for the Church in Andhra Pradesh. He also expressed his gratitude for the hospitality received and the formative support extended to the OCD Brothers studying their first year of Philosophy at Kondadaba.
It would be good to note that this year is the first time the OCDs have moved out of their established formative setting in Eluru, thus bifurcating their Philosophy centre from the theologate. Being the first year, things are still fluid but are smoothly getting set. They now have a 'Master' in the person of Fr Balaraju who is directly incharge of their formative curriculum. Their place of residence at Pendurthi, in the form of a monastery, is being set up steadily. Their role and mode of participation in the Seminary life and activity, besides the main purpose of study (Philosophy and BA), too is being worked out. Everyone involved looks forward to a lasting and enriching bond.